
Student success in school is directly tied to attendance. It is educationally important that students attend school every day. However, if an absence is necessary, parents must legally report the absence. Please write a note to the Assistant Principal explaining the absence the day your child returns to school. A note must be received within 3 school days. Absence excuse notes will not be taken after the close of the week. Absences not reported to the school are considered unexcused. Please schedule doctor’s appointment before or after school hours

If a student is absent from class, he or she should do one of the following within three days of returning to school:
Submit a note to the school from a parent or guardian stating the date(s) of the absence and the reason(s) for the absence.


In the event that a child must leave school before dismissal, we request that parents do the

Send in a written request prior to the dismissal.
Come into the main office and sign your child out school. Be prepared to show
proper identification.
In the event that you will not be picking up your child, we need to have a written notice
indicating the name of the adult who will be picking up your child.
* No dismissals will be given between 2:30 and 3:09 without prior notice to the office.

On inclement weather days, please plan to have your child arrive at school at 8:20 AM, the
start of the school day. We do not wish our children to be unsafe in the yard due to the
lack of supervision. Children will be permitted to enter the building through the schoolyard doors
at 8:20 AM and report to the auditorium (K,1 &2) )or lunchroom (3, 4 & 5).
If weather is very severe, the Superintendent of School may decide to keep schools closed.
Announcements of school closings will be made on local radio and TV stations. The official
school closing radio station is KWY-1060.